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Oct 7, 2010
This week's themeWords about relations This week's words nepotism cozen avuncular cater-cousin Dutch uncle Make a gift that keeps on giving, all year long: A gift subscription of AWAD or give the gift of books Discuss Feedback RSS/XML A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargcater-cousin
(KAY-tuhr kuz-uhn)
An intimate friend.
The origin of the term is uncertain, though various theories have been
proposed. According to one, the term is derived from French quatre-cousin
(fourth cousin), implying someone who is so close as to almost be a relative,
or one who is close enough to be among the fourth cousins. Another idea is
that the term cater-cousin alludes to people intimate enough to be catering
to each other. Finally, there's the sense of cater meaning diagonally (as in
"I am charged with buying 30% of stocks through cater-cousin, Haggi Jalilov."The Advocate Disproves Statements About His Involvement; Azer-Press (Azerbaijan); Dec 22, 2005. "His master and he ... are scarce cater-cousins." William Shakespeare; Merchant of Venice; c. 1600. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
It is not necessarily true that averaging the averages of different populations gives the average of the combined population. (Simpson's Paradox) -Edward H. Simpson, statistician (b. 1922)
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