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Mar 24, 2010
This week's themeLoan translations This week's words cloud-cuckoo-land moment of truth bread and circuses God's acre paper tiger Got a website? Free content for your site Words, quotations & more Discuss Feedback RSS/XML A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargbread and circuses
(bred and SUR-kuh-sez)
Things intended to keep people happy and to divert their attention from
Translation of the Latin term panis et circenses, from panis (bread) + et (and),
circenses (circuses). The term originated in the satires of Roman poet Juvenal
(c. 60-140). Circus refers to the circus games, such as chariot races, held in
Roman times. The term has been loan translated into many other languages.
In Spanish, for example, it is pan y toros (bread and bullfights).
"Madrid has set up a series of summits that look a lot like bread and
circuses for a domestic audience at time of economic misery."John Vinocur; Still Waiting for a Brave New Europe; The New York Times; Jan 4, 2010. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
The human mind is inspired enough when it comes to inventing horrors; it is when it tries to invent a heaven that it shows itself cloddish. -Evelyn Waugh, novelist (1903-1966)
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