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Aug 2, 2013
This week's themeWords seen in their plural forms This week's words auspices paparazzi cognoscenti mores antipodes Your antipodal point Find it at antipodr.com A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargantipodes
noun: 1. Two places situated on the diametrically opposite sides of the earth. 2. The exact opposite of someone or something. 3. Australia and New Zealand. ETYMOLOGY:
Via Latin from Greek antipodes (literally, those having the feet opposite,
i.e. having feet on opposite sides of the earth), plural of antipous, from
anti- (opposite) + pous (foot). Ultimately from the Indo-European root ped-
(foot) which gave us peccadillo (alluding to a stumble or fall),
pedal, impeccable,
podium, octopus, and impeach. Earliest documented use: 1398.
"Tasmania's most celebrated attraction now is the Museum of Old and
New Art, outside Hobart. Everyone in the antipodes knows its titillating
backstory." James Fallows; Tasmania: Maybe the Most Unforgettable Place Ever; The Atlantic Monthly (Boston); Jun 19, 2013. "At no other time have the sensibilities of America's Atlantic and Pacific cosmopolitan antipodes stood in sharper contrast." Peter Schjeldahl; Seeing and Disbelieving; The New Yorker; Jul 2013. See more usage examples of antipodes in Vocabulary.com's dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then rest afterward. -Spanish proverb
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