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Today's Word



Oct 21, 2024
This week’s theme
Words to describe US presidential candidates

This week’s words

Kamala and Maya’s Big Idea
(detail from the picture book cover)

Previous week’s theme
Usage examples that are food for thought
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with Anu Garg

Like clockwork, every four years, the US holds its presidential elections. Even the election day is determined in advance: the Tue following the first Mon in Nov. This process has been a part of American democracy for centuries and is expected to continue long into the future.

That is, unless we’re unwise enough to elect Trump, who has repeatedly promised to undermine democracy and become a dictator. For example, he has said:

“You gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not going to have to vote.”

“You have to vote on Nov 5. After that, you don’t have to worry about voting anymore.”

To paraphrase the well-known saying: if it walks like a dictator and talks like a dictator, it’s likely to be a dictator. (At another time, I might have engaged in a wordplay like ducktator, but this is serious.)

For our sake, and for the rest of the world’s sake, I hope we make the right choice. This week we’ve picked five words to describe the two main presidential candidates and their running mates.

We’d love to hear your thoughts. Share below or email us at words@wordsmith.org (please include your city and state).

Above all, do not forget to vote. I already filled out and returned my ballot (in Washington state, ballots are mailed to homes).



1. Overflowing with energy, enthusiasm, and joy.
2. Plentiful; productive; growing abundantly.

From Latin exuberare (to be abundant), from ex- (out) + uberare (to be fruitful), from uber (fertile). Earliest documented use: 1504.

“An exuberant Kamala Harris whipped up a rapturous crowd Tue at her first rally since effectively clinching the Democratic presidential nomination, as she launched fresh attacks on Donald Trump for trying to ‘take the country backward’.”
Kamil Krzaczynski & Danny Kemp; Kamala Harris Attacks Trump in Electrifying Rally; Republican & Herald (Pottsville, Pennsylvania); Jul 23, 2024.

See more usage examples of exuberant in Vocabulary.com’s dictionary.

He is the best physician who is the most ingenious inspirer of hope. -Samuel Taylor Coleridge, poet, critic, and philosopher (21 Oct 1772-1834)

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