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AWADmail Issue 768A Weekly Compendium of Feedback on the Words in A.Word.A.Day and Tidbits about Words and Language
From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org)
Lack of Oxford Comma Could Cost Maine Company Millions in Overtime Dispute
Three Habits of Successful Language Learners
From: Brian Holsclaw (brian.holsclaw gmail.com) Happy Trivicennial, Anu! I’ve been a daily reader since 1996 -- there was much less daily email back in those days. I remember reading the AWAD text-formatted mails back in the mid-90s when you used to write the shortest and longest email addresses and which new countries had signed up for subscription. Ahh, the good-ol days.
Brian Holsclaw, Seattle, Washington
From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org) In response to the write-an-equation-contest, readers sent equations for calculating love, peace, wisdom, happiness, health, success, domestic tranquility, and more. There were equations for more mundane things as well, such as the value of meetings and for guessing a woman’s age. Some had converted the biblical assertion “Money is the root of all evil” into an equation. One of my favorite equations is one for calculating the volume of a pizza whose radius is z and thickness a, V = pi zz a. Thanks to all for participating. Winners, in no particular order, are:
Age of the person who claims to have walked to school in all kinds of weather: A = M + |G| + S M = # miles to the school G = latitude S = inches of snow *bonus: add 10 if it was uphill both ways Example: 1 mile to school plus 44 latitude plus 17” snow = 62 plus bonus uphill both ways 10 = 72. -Chree Perkins, Leicester, Vermont (chreeperkins verizon.net) Equation for calculating bliss: C S B = - + - L TWhere C = cat, L = lap, S = strong light, and T = tome. -Isabel Auerbach, Rohnert Park, California (yunhyunh yahoo.com) Equation for predicting electoral success: G x B x A ES = --------- H x IWhere G = invocations of God B = current Buzzwords A = Appeals to worst instincts H = Hard realities mentioned I = evidence of Intellect Note that if either H or I approaches zero, ES becomes infinite.
-Richard Kaplan, Farnborough, UK (r.kaplan ucl.ac.uk)
They’ll receive their choice of a signed copy of any of my books or a copy of the word game One Up! Read on for honorable mentions: SCHOOL
This one I had made up during my engineering college days. When we
recline and study during exams, the amount of time in which we fall asleep
(involuntarily) is given by ![]() where I = Interest in the subject θ = Angle of reclination (from horizontal) F = Amount of food consumed for dinner D = Level of difficulty of the subject I is exponential because it is of the utmost importance. F is squared while D is square root because more consumption of food has a greater influence on inducing sleep than a more difficulty level (in fact, in a few exceptional cases, D goes up in the numerator -- more difficulty causes us to be awake and think more and consequently be awake for more time). -Aditya Pathak, Bengaluru, India (apathak tce.co.in) HOME
Success of marriage
BUSINESSS = (K × 5) + (E × 4) + (UWKYMS)² K = Kindness E = Empathy UWKYMS = Understanding when to keep your mouth shut -Leslie Tkach-Kawasaki, Tsukuba, Japan (tkach japan.email.ne.jp)
If F is the overall family happiness, then F = 0.1H + K + 10W
My decluttering equation:
Noise in the house increases proportionally to the square of the number
of children. Maybe N = C².
Happy wife = Happy life
Number of bicycles one should own = n + 1
Real estate price = Q + L³
WORKWhere Q = quality L = location -Mike Carlson, Grand Marais, Minnesota (mhcnvc boreal.org)
1. Price for women’s shoes = 300 × distance in feet between shoes on display
Vm = 1/t where Vm is the value of a meeting and t is the length of time it
takes. This can also be expressed in English as the value of a meeting is
inversely proportional to its length.
POLITICS-Andrew Marr, Shoreham-by-Sea, UK (am andrewmarr.com)
If A equals accomplishments completed at a meeting, then A = 1/x
where x = number of people at the meeting.
Over time I developed a theory on the intelligence of committees. Simple
observation shows being in a committee reduces the intelligence of its
members. The resultant intelligence of the committee organism once a
quorum is gained can be calculated in the same way as parallel resistance
can be:
P = L² × A ± T
Statesmanship = truth × fairness / (conspiracy × corruption × bigotry)
LIFEDictatorship = 1 / statesmanship -Alan Winson, Oakland, California (alan.winson gmail.com)
Fake News + Alternate Facts = Stupid Solutions
The equation for Post Truth:
If A is happiness in old age then A = X + Y + Z where
AGEX is someone to talk to Y is something to do Z is something to look forward to -Dr. Michael Smout, Summerstrand, South Africa (ma.smout mweb.co.za)
Happiness from a snow day H = 10/X² where X is the number of snow days in a season
Given H = The size of a person’s “heart” (compassion, etc.)
H is happiness and
Good Time at a Party = Expectations + Conversation + Snacks + √(Alcohol) - Time Spent on your cellphone.
If H is a successful three-way friendship, then H = (A + B + C) - G
This equation ALWAYS works!
My equation is the following:
I cannot swear that this is originally my formula, but I’ll claim it for
this purpose!
MISC.OldAge = 10 × √(CurrentAge) Hence: When you are 16, old people are 40; When you are approaching 50, old people are 70; and When you are 100, you know you’re old! -Layne Marshal, Campbell River, Canada (laynemarshal gmail.com)
This one’s really pretty old-fashioned, and I apologise for that, but my
mother once told me, quite tongue-in-cheek I’m glad to say, that the ideal
ages for a man and woman to marry was given by the equation
I’ve created an equation based on my use of Groupons and the cost and
wildly divergent value of things in London :)
IEx = Gr + le - LofAEBTD Groupon + low-expectations - The-lack-of-anything-else-better-to-do = Improved Experience -Denise Jones, London, UK (dj.jonestown gmail.com)
For crossword mavens:
I’ve been with you since around 1998, and it never gets old. AWAD + a thought a day >> a day without.
According to our dog Lucca, happiness is
From: Bill Simpson (w50gsn gmail.com) I put this note into the category of odd coincidences. In this case, involving the contest for equations which you announced today, and your word of the day, lodestar. Believe it or not, this web page provides an equation for the calculation of a lodestar. To quote the legal document: “The lodestar is simply the hours reasonably necessary to the prosecution of the successful claim times a reasonable hourly rate.”
Bill Simpson, Toronto, Canada
From: Joel Mabus (joel.mabus pobox.com)
Ah, I recall Jane Austen’s first title for Pride and Prejudice:
Joel Mabus, Kalamazoo, Michigan
From: David Santangelo (dcsantangelo2005 comcast.net) When I heard today’s word, Shakespeare’s narrative poem The Rape of Lucrece came to mind. The poem depicts the expulsion of the Etruscan kings from Rome and the establishment of the Republic due to Tarquin’s rape of Collatine’s wife, Lucrece. Tarquin was the son of King Lucius Tarquinius, who the historian Livy said murdered members of his own family to gain the throne and establish a tyranny. The king’s nickname: Superbus.
David Santangelo, Indianapolis, Indiana
From: Andrew Pressburger (andpress sympatico.ca) In Ancient Rome, the word superbus, meaning proud, was also used as a synonym for arrogant. This cognomen of Tarquinius, last king of Rome, became the reason for his deposition and in fact the end of the monarchy in Rome, with the subsequent establishment of the Republic (SPQR, The Senate and the Populus of the Romans) in 509 BCE. The Roman Republic lasted for nearly four centuries, and was ultimately destroyed by the internecine warfare that characterized the period of the civil wars in the first century BCE and the rise of Julius Caesar’s military dictatorship, which in turn led to the emergence of the Roman Empire under Augustus Caesar. Beware of the Ides of March!
Andrew Pressburger, Toronto, Canada
From: Alex McCrae (ajmccrae277 gmail.com) One of the many hollow pledges Trump made was a vow that his new administration would “drain the swamp” in Washington, i.e., take measures to end the culture of politics-as-usual, ridding the federal government of partisan cronyism, entitlements, and graft. So, we’re now just beyond fifty days into Trump’s rocky presidency, and the uliginous Washington swamp still reeks of politics-as-usual. Case in point... Trump has nominated cabinet heads who have been cherry-picked from the ranks of the wealthiest 1%. And these cabinet picks have brought along their own conservative, retrograde agendas, which in many instances seem completely antithetical to the very well-being of most Americans. Clearly, a croc o’ Trump. I took the liberty to proffer a closing comic twist on Einstein’s formula for “success in life”, namely A= x+y+z, cited by blogmeister Garg in his words-of-the-week theme intro. My theory is that restful, deep, REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, and its attendant potentially fertile generation of dreams is as vital to a successful life as fulfilling, engaging work(x) and play (y); particularly for those rare cerebral beings who have risen to the rarefied Einsteinian heights of pure genius. Hmm... I wonder if Albert snored... with his mouth open... the opposite of the “z” factor in his “success” equation? Ha!
Alex McCrae, Van Nuys, California
From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org)
From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org)
Tweets R2 birds
When you’re down and in need of a lodestar,
Pronouncements distinctly uliginous
Bluebeard, a collector of wives,
To those who insist they’re religion-ous,
In the Everglades, creatures indigenous
That president Trump is uliginous.
Our village square is pigeon-ous.
There’s many a creature uliginous
It appears in all probability
“Academic pursuits are cosmetic;
Their minds are like byzantine labyrinths.
Though a lodestar, POTUS has appetence
Trump’s budget shows changes in spending.
If I am unhappy or tense,
From: Phil Graham (pgraham1946 cox.net) Jim lodestar in the bucket and I spread it on the roof. Uliginous the opiate of morasses. Her looks were superbity didn’t like her personality. I use my High School Analphabetic which former classmate will die next. There’s a frenetic new phone appetence person should avoid using.
Phil Graham, Tulsa, Oklahoma
It’s best to give while your hand is still warm. -Philip Roth, novelist
(b. 19 Mar 1933)
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