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Nov 25, 2003
This week's themeWords formed in error This week's words derring-do internecine faineant sand-blind aught A.Word.A.Day on your site Add the daily word to your web page. It is free. A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Garginternecine(in-tuhr-NES-een)
adjective: From Latin internecinus (deadly), from internecare (to slaughter), from inter- + necare (to kill), from nex-, nec- (death). A few other words derived from the same root are pernicious, noxious, obnoxious, and necrosis. Some positive words originating from the same root are nectar, nectarine, innocent, and innocuous. The original meaning of today's term was "deadly", from the prefix inter- (all the way to, completely) + necare (to kill), from nec- (death). While writing his 1755 dictionary, the great lexicographer Samuel Johnson erroneously believed the prefix inter- implied "between" (as in "international") and defined internecine as "endeavoring mutual destruction" that, thanks to his popular dictionary, became the primary sense of the word.
"Jones also gives us a portrait of how Enlightenment-era French citizens
clamored for self-rule, and an account of the grisly, internecine feuding
that led to the rise of Napoleon in 1799."
"During the late 1980s, the veteran Amal militia began an internecine war
against a radical Shi'ite upstart group named Hizbullah."
X-BonusWhy does no one confess his sins? Because he is yet in them. It is for a man who has awoke from sleep to tell his dreams. -Lucius Annaeus Seneca, writer and philosopher (BCE 3-65 CE) |
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