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AWADmail Issue 720A Weekly Compendium of Feedback on the Words in A.Word.A.Day and Tidbits about Words and Language
Sponsor’s Message:
From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org)
Sorry, You Can’t Speed Read
Fresh Look at Trope About Eskimo Words for Snow
At the World Bank, a Shortage of Concrete Language
From: Bill Erskine (bill.erskine mlh.org)
Bill Erskine, Memphis, Tennessee
From: Jennifer A. Jilks (jennifer.jilks gmail.com) Sorry to bother, but our Inuit in Nunavut and in the Canadian north aren’t called Eskimo any more. It’s a white man’s term, meaning eaters of raw meat, and politically incorrect! They don’t like this term. Thought you should know.
Jennifer Jilks, Perth, Canada
A number of readers from Canada emailed about this. In Canada,
the preferred term is Inuit, but in the US, the word Eskimo is
unexceptionable. The word Eskimo doesn’t mean eaters of raw meat.
For more, see here.
A similar issue is US vs Canadian terms for Indian/First Nations.
See here.
-Anu Garg
From: Richard Hayslip (richard.hayslip gmail.com) “Middle Eastern ecdysiast team” for Gaza Strippers remains my favorite crossword clue. It was in the March 18, 1979, New York Times puzzle.
Richard Hayslip, Scottsdale, Arizona
From: Mark DeVoto (mdevoto granite.tufts.edu) Biochemists and entomologists will be able to tell you about a class of steroid hormones called ecdysones, which cause molting during the larval stages of insect metamorphosis.
Mark DeVoto, Medford, Massachusetts
From: Scott McCarty (scott.mccarty stanfordalumni.org) I am reminded of one of my favorite bumper stickers: “Ecdysiasts of the world, untie!”
Scott McCarty, Camarillo, California
From: David Alan Dresser (david1936 hotmail.com) I want to bottle that scent and put it in new cars to replace the awful “new car smell”.
David Alan Dresser, Berkeley, California
From: Bob Harrison (bob quailcroft.com) Subject: Petrichor On Monday a group of tasting notes was published on Jancis Robinson’s website (jancisrobinson.com, based in London) written by staff member Tamlyn Currin, in which she used the word petrichor! I emailed her about my delight in seeing someone else use the word. What I really want to share here (with her permission) is what she wrote in response, which speaks so eloquently to the power of language: “I grew up in Zimbabwe -- that smell takes me back faster than anything else in the world! It’s the smell of exam time, purple jacaranda blossoms popping on the hot tar under car tyres, black clouds billowing up on a burnt dry horizon, and a longing for rain that no one who’s grown up in the UK can ever imagine. It’s the only thing that makes me miss Africa. It was the smell of hope.”
Bob Harrison, Issaquah, Washington
From: Hope Bucher (hopebucher gmail.com) In the 1980s some scientists were concerned that the restrictive language of evolutionary biology was limiting the rigor of science. That is why Stephen J. Gould created the term “exaptation” - a trait that has developed as a side product on an adaptation and performs a different function. As a teacher, one of my favorite examples was that of Crystallin, a protein that is used in the body as a metabolic enzyme. It also happens to be integral to the lenses of our eyes because of its refractive properties which direct light onto our retinas. As a lover of both language and science, it is exhilarating to know that when something new needs to be described our “Language is the armory of the human mind, and at once contains the trophies of its past and the weapons of its future conquests.” Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Hope Bucher, Naperville, Illinois
From: Kate Daly (hammerwaterkate gmail.com) Subject: bletted pear In 2014 at the Philadelphia Craft Show I bought a paperweight from Lauren Baring-Gould of Boston. Ms Baring-Gould blets pears on her kitchen windowsill, to varying degrees, and casts them in bronze, one of a kind. I am delighted to have a word to describe one of the outstanding items in my collection. It took me forever to pick this one from the very juicy selection.
Kate Daly, Langhorne, Pennsylvania
From: Gary Muldoon (gmuldoon muldoongetz.com) How about “In God We Trust,” to phrase a coin?
Gary Muldoon, Rochester, New York
From: Dharam Khalsa (dharamkk2 gmail.com)
Dharam Khalsa, Espanola, New Mexico
From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org)
I overheard my friend Bertie,
The ecdysiast Flora so nimble
“Her dance turns my thoughts to the sleaziest,”
I breathed in the sweet morning dew,
The glands that were made for lactation
“Frankly, my dear,” intoned Rhett
From: Phil Graham (pgraham1946 cox.net) “That’s snowclone -- that’s my monozygotic twin.” The white rooster lost more feathers in the fight ‘cause he p’ecdysiast. “If you’re done with that apple, petrichor in the trash.” When your only trips are to attend funerals, that’s an exaptation of larks. My slot machine blet produced three blars. Blingo!
Phil Graham, Tulsa, Oklahoma
From: Francine Kiefer (fkiefer aol.com) I’ve been waiting for a chance to use an AWAD word in one of my articles! Timing was perfect for “clairaudience” last week! Here’s the piece.
Francine Kiefer, Washington, DC
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.
If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. -Nelson Mandela,
activist, South African president, Nobel laureate (1918-2013)
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