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AWADmail Issue 417June 27, 2010A Weekly Compendium of Feedback on the Words in A.Word.A.Day and Tidbits about Words and Language
From: Terry McCreary (terry.mccreary murraystate.edu) We use this word a lot in hobby rocketry. When a fin-stabilized model or high-power rocket lifts off, the presence of significant wind will cause the rocket to fly into the wind to some degree; the rocket weathercocks. In a very strong wind, a very stable rocket may take a trajectory almost parallel to the ground.
From: Christopher Schemm (cmschemm comcast.net) In Europe it is common to see a rooster on top of a Protestant church to remind Roman Catholics that the founder of the R.C. church, Peter, denied Christ three times before the cock crowed as Christ said Peter would. Protestant farms in Northern Germany often have roosters on the barns.
From: Dianne Spotts (diaspot verizon.net) After conversation in a Chinese restaurant yesterday (for a Fathers' Day dinner), and discussion about the Chinese Zodiac signs, your word tickled me. Not that I'm amused that some people have to expend great energy to maintain some normalcy in life, but that we can put weather in front of the other signs besides the cock, and have a new slant on, say, a weatherrabbit: interchangeably both entertaining and detached.
From: Roy Hogrebe (royfish aol.com) We paddlers describe the tendency of a kayak to turn into the wind on the beam as weathercocking. Some boats are more susceptible to weathercocking than others.
From: Erlinda E. Panlilio (epanlilio mac.com) Subject: Weathercock Apparently, Quebec legislators are more onion-skinned than their Filipino counterparts. Every time there is a new President (now it's the late President Cory Aquino's son Noynoy), our politicians change parties or sides to that of the power-that-is. We have a word for it: balimbing [also known as starfruit], after the many-sided local fruit that's also indigenous to Indonesia and Thailand. In reality, they are all weathercocks, and don't take too much offense when called such.
From: John Whitley (john.whitley blueyonder.co.uk) Persnickety is what we say in Scotland. Pernickety is English, not for the whole of the UK.
From: Linda Landau (LLandauCPA aol.com) The musical South Pacific leaped into my mind upon reading bromidic. What great Rodgers & Hamnmerstein music and lyrics:
I'm as trite and as gay as a daisy in May,
A cliche comin' true! I'm bromidic and bright As a moon-happy night Pourin' light on the dew! I'm as corny as Kansas in August, High as a flag on the Fourth of July! ... More
From: Michael Tremberth (michaelt4two googlemail.com) Like Bromine, Osmium (from Greek osme) is another element with a distinct odour, which is caused by the presence of traces of osmium tetroxide in the otherwise pure element. A related word is anosmia. Osmium has the distinction of being the densest element known, although it is not particularly hard.
From: Andrew MFC (andrewmfc aol.com)
No discussion of the word "esurient" is complete without at least one mention
of the Monty Python Cheese Shop sketch!
From: Amy Rogers (cathedralsfan ymail.com) I don't remember where I saw this -- it may have been the title of a book -- but I like the saying, "Everybody's normal till you get to know them."
A living language is like a man suffering incessantly from small
haemorrhages, and what it needs above all else is constant transactions of
new blood from other tongues. The day the gates go up, that day it begins to
die. -H.L. Mencken, writer, editor, and critic (1880-1956)
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