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Aug 16, 2002
This week's themeRed-herring words This week's words undulate fartlek conversant assize valorize Save The Words Many words are almost extinct -- get the book A Word A Day and help preserve them! Discuss Feedback RSS/XML A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargvalorizevalorize (VAL-uh-ryz) verb tr. To maintain the price of a commodity at a high level through government action. [From Portuguese valorizar, from valor (value, price), from Medieval Latin, from Latin valere (to be strong).] Valorizing is, in fact, price-fixing by government. A few other words that derive from the same root (wal-) are valence, valiant, valid, value, avail, and convalesce.
"This leads to a tendency for realized earnings to fall below the level
that would validate or re-valorize the capitalized values of corporate
equities and debt service costs."
X-BonusHolding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned. -Buddha (c. 566-480 BCE) |
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