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Feb 17, 2005
This week's themeFeminine and masculine forms of words This week's words matrocliny muliebrity misandry sororal matriarch Got a website? Free content for your site Words, quotations & more Discuss Feedback RSS/XML A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargsororalsororal (suh-ROR-uhl) adjective Of or pertaining to a sister; sisterly. [From Latin soror (sister). Ultimately from Indo-European root swesor- (sister) that is also the source of words cousin and sister, and words for sister in other languages such as French soeur, German Schwester, and Dutch zuster.] Fraternal is the male equivalent of this term. See more usage examples of sororal in Vocabulary.com's dictionary.
"Today, the Williams sisters face off to decide which will advance to
the women's finals of tennis's most famous tournament. Venus, 20, and
Serena, 18, have publicly rejoiced in the sororal showdown."
"Damiano creates several superb moments, among them a duet for Su-Feh Lee
and Kathleen McDonagh in which the two dancers slowly embrace and release
across a brilliant well of light. Each time they deliver a different
version of female compassion: now maternal, now sororal, now carnal." This week's theme: feminine and masculine forms of words.
X-BonusLet the gods avenge themselves. -Roman law maxim, on blasphemy |
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