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Feb 14, 2005
This week's themeFeminine and masculine forms of words This week's words matrocliny muliebrity misandry sororal matriarch A Word A Day the book "Delightful." -The New York Times Buy Discuss Feedback RSS/XML A.Word.A.Day
with Anu GargThe world of the English language is becoming genderless. Earlier we had teacheresses in schools, aviatrices in airplanes, and sculptresses in studios. Those feminine suffixes are now cast off and today they're known as teachers, aviators, and sculptors. For other terms, new gender-neutral alternatives are coined: mail-carrier, firefighter, chairperson (or chair), to cite but three examples. It's easy to brush these off as a display of political correctness but there's a reason why we're moving away from those old terms. Often the feminine equivalents of the terms have inferior connotations: imitation (leather/leatherette), small size (statue/statuette), lesser social status (governor/governess), and at times the two terms are poles apart (wizard/witch) - wizard is a compliment while witch is disparaging. Why is it important to recognize this? It's because while our language is a reflection of our society, the reverse is also true. Our society is also shaped by the language. So the trend is towards common terms to describe both men and women in the same professions, especially where the sex of the person is immaterial in context. As a result, the word actor is preferred for both men and women, chairman is giving way to chair, server is preferred to waiter/waitress, and steward/stewardess are known as flight-attendants. All this is not to say that men and women are not different. They are, but where that difference is irrelevant, there is no reason to use two different terms to describe them. There are still occasions where one needs to know separate terms for male and female forms. This week's AWAD explores terms that refer to distinctions between "mankind" and "womankind".
matroclinymatrocliny (MA-truh-kli-nee) noun, also matricliny Inheritance of traits primarily from the mother. [From Latin matro- (mother) + -clino, from Greek klinein (to lean).] Patrocliny is the male counterpart of this term.
"This matrocliny in the embryo of the reciprocal hybrids seems to be
due to differences in the amount of reserve food material available."
X-BonusOne owes respect to the living. To the dead, one owes only the truth. -Voltaire, philosopher and writer (1694-1778) |
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