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Feb 16, 2005
This week's themeFeminine and masculine forms of words This week's words matrocliny muliebrity misandry sororal matriarch Discuss Feedback RSS/XML A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargmisandrymisandry (MIS-an-dree) noun Hatred of men. [From mis-, from miso- (hate) + -andry (male).] The feminine counterpart of this term is misogyny, and hatred of humankind is known as misanthropy.
"Television advertising, for example, is deeply infected by misandry.
In adverts for everything from jeans to yogurt, men are portrayed as
"Perhaps the monolithic misandry of Veronica Quilligan's Dilly should have
signalled, as her facial and body language quite fail to, that the
character was being set up for a narrative reversal." This week's theme: feminine and masculine forms of words.
X-BonusThere are three truths: my truth, your truth, and the truth. -Chinese proverb |
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