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Jun 20, 2016
This week’s themeUnusual synonyms This week’s words poecilonym nephalism tachyphylaxis nullifidian marrowsky Internet Anagram Server I, Rearrangement Servant May I try your name? A.Word.A.Day
with Anu GargIn the past we have had many weeks of words with the theme: There’s a word for it (see, for example, this and this). Well, it’s nice to have a word for something, nearly everything, but have you ever wondered if there’s another word for it? This week’s A.Word.A.Day answers that question. We’ll feature five words that make you say: There’s a synonym for it (or, a poecilonym for it). poecilonym
noun: A synonym.
From Greek poikilos (various) + -onym (name). Earliest documented use: 1890.
“Billy Dorminy was perspicuous, talking about poecilonyms on television.” James Barron; A Contest Where the Competitors Flex Their Lexicons; The New York Times; Mar 6, 2007. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
Since when do we have to agree with people to defend them from injustice?
-Lillian Hellman, playwright (20 Jun 1905-1984)
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