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Jun 3, 2015
This week’s themeThere is a word for it This week’s words sinecure pathography performative stridulate mala fide A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargperformative
adjective: Relating to a statement that functions as an action by the fact of its being uttered.
Some examples of performative utterances are I promise, I apologize, I bet, I resign, etc.
By saying I promise a person actually performs the act of promising.
From Old French parfournir, from par (through) + fournir (to furnish).
Earliest documented use: 1922.
“I lost count of the scenes in which Gwen and Peter thrash out the question
of whether they should be a couple, and there is a sigh of relief in the
cinema when she, deploying what philosophers would call a performative
utterance, says simply, ‘I break up with you.’” Anthony Lane; Trouble Calls; The New Yorker; May 5, 2014. See more usage examples of performative in Vocabulary.com’s dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
There is nothing more dangerous than a government of the many controlled by the few. -Lawrence Lessig, professor and political activist (b. 3 Jun 1961)
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