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Oct 7, 2021
This week’s themeWords related to writing This week’s words chosisme pilcrow paremiography dithyramb obelus “You have to fall in love with hanging around words.” ~John Ciardi Spread the love to friends & family A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargdithyramb
noun: 1. A piece of writing or speech in an inflated or wildly enthusiastic manner. 2. An impassioned Greek choral song, originally in honor of the god Dionysus or Bacchus. ETYMOLOGY:
From Latin dithyrambus, from Greek dithyrambos. Earliest documented use: 1603.
“Although [John Moore] extols the art of tending bar, and goes into
dithyrambs over the delicate hues and shades of liquors and liqueurs,
the storyline invites more cause than effect, like a watered drink at
happy hour.” Len Gasparini; Where Everybody Knows Your Name; The Toronto Star (Canada); May 21, 2000. “Telephonically, I cornered US poet laureate Billy Collins in his office overlooking the Capitol. Interrupted in mid-dithyramb (my poetic license has not expired), Collins bobbed and weaved, poetically.” Alex Beam; When Poets Take License Too Far; Boston Globe; Oct 29, 2002. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
No, no, you're not thinking, you're just being logical. -Niels Bohr,
physicist (7 Oct 1885-1962)
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