pangram (PAN-gram, -gruhm, PANG-)
noun: A piece of text that makes use of the whole alphabet.
From Greek pan- (all) + -gram (something written).About
We wanted to call it the “Oh-so-very-amazing, way quick, excellent job, pangram finder” but modesty prevented us and we just call it the “Pangram Finder” (Psst: that long name is actually a pangram).The Quick Brown Fox is the mascot of the Pangram Finder (we asked the Lazy Dog as well, but he was taking a nap and didn't respond).
The Pangram Finder is created by Anu Garg, the founder of
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Image Credits
Illustration on the home page by Sam Goodlet
Image of the quick brown fox metal type by Wikimedia (by Brandenads, from work created by Willi Heidelbach)
Image on the right by KittyRelief
Image of the Hangman by Simon Cardew
Image of the Quick Brown Fox on the Feedback page by Flint Hahn
Procession of Characters from Shakespeare's Plays; artist unknown; via Wikipedia/Google Cultural Institute
Gif of fox jumping over a dog again and again from Imgur
Image of Mazda with the digits of pi from Basil D Soufi/Wikimedia
Image of fox jumping over the dog displayed in multiple "font sizes" by 7grims
Image of a man writing the pangram "Amazingly few discotheques provide jukeboxes" by George Redgrave