The wordserver is a public access reference server. It offers a set of reference services using email.Electronic mail is the most widely used application on the Internet. Email is the lowest common denominator of net-access. Although many dictionaries and thesauri are available on the Web, etc, for many people, email is the only means of access to the Internet.
Services from the Wordserver
Following reference services are available from the wordserver:Besides, following miscellaneous services are also run by the wordserver:
- Anagram/by/Mail An anagram generator.
- A.Word.A.Day A vocabulary mailing list.
How to use these services
To use these services you can send following commands to the wordserver at wsmith@wordsmith.org. A table showing all the commands accepted by the wordserver is also available. Please note that the command should be in the SUBJECT line of the message.A.Word.A.Day
Please visit this web page to subscribe.Dictionary/by/Mail
To find the definition of a word, send a blank email to wsmith@wordsmith.org, and make the subject line as:
define myword
where myword is the word whose definition you want to find out.
To know more about Dictionary/by/Mail, make the subject line as:
info Dictionary/by/Mail
To find the synonyms of a word, send a blank email to wsmith@wordsmith.org, and make the subject line as:
synonym myword
where myword is the word whose synonyms you want to find out.
To know more about Thesaurus/by/Mail, make the subject as:
info Thesaurus/by/Mail
To decipher an acronym, send a blank email to wsmith@wordsmith.org, and make the subject line as:
acronym myword
where myword is the acronym whose expansion you want to find out.
To add a new acronym to the database, make the subject line as:
addacronym ACRONYM expansion
Do not put period between the letters.For example to add the acronym IBM, the command would be:
addacronym IBM International Business Machines
To know more about Acronym/by/Mail, make the subject line as:
info Acronym/by/Mail
To find the anagrams, send a blank email to wsmith@wordsmith.org, and make the subject line as:
anagram myword
where myword is the word(s) whose anagrams you want to find out.To know more about Anagram/by/Mail, make the subject line as:
info Anagram/by/Mail
A listing of all the above commands is also available in table format.
(webmaster AT wordsmith.org).