Oh, that was fun, reading that again, wsieber! An innocent question about the front of the neck (which was never definitively answered, by the way) went into strangling, garroting, and vampires! We haven't changed!

The entity becomes the label, and the danger is the label never changes because we use the label as an identifier that means we no longer have to think about the entity in a qualitative or analytical way. We’ve done that already. The label identifies certain attributes but may prevent us seeing any others that are present.
Exactly, dxb. Way back when I did my undergraduate field placement, I was sent a time or two to the day care for retarded children. I suppose one of the purposes of the placement was fulfilled, because as I told the director, I learned that they (the retarded "they") have personalities, needs, and wants, just like "we" do. (Before anyone condemns me for not realizing that earlier, please keep in mind that I was 20 at the time.) And going even further back, I read a book that told the story of a young boy's going blind, and his journey into adulthood and independence. He went into a store one time, and wrote that he could tell the clerk was someone who thought of him as a person who couldn't see, not as a blind person. He put that, when blind comes first, it kind of sets up a fence around person.