there are other standards--

liquid volume, half gil (1 oz), gil(2 oz), half cup (4 oz), cup (8 oz), pint (16 oz), quart (32 oz), gallon (196 oz), (i don't know any higher properly)

half gil and gil are most commonly (in US bars) called shots, and double shots-- how about the rest of the world?

and dry volume--quarts, pecks and bussels,(which i don't know at all)

and cement,(portland type) is sold by the barrel,(the most common size bag of portland cement is 90 lbs, (1/4 barrel)(US)--in a past life, i did way more masonary work then most women) i don't know if this is an extention of the peck/ bussel dry volume (and if it just turns out that 1/4 of barrel of portland type cement weighs 90 lbs or so.