Oh no, a Gyro is a greek sandwich, served in a Pita bread. Most sidewalk venders don't have gyro's, since gyro's have sliced strips of roast lamb, or sometimes lamb and beef. a gyro is served with "white sause" (Humas) and vegetables. (lettuse and tomato) most Gyro shops also serve Falafal, a "meat ball" made from ground chick peas and other vegetales (parsley, onion, garlic) that has been deep fried. Falafal is commonly available from "The falafal guy", who for the most part has replaced the "Dirty water hotdog" guy. the falafal guy usually also serves Halal chicken from his rolling steel cart, but Gyro's are usually only available in a shop.

I think Gyro is a from the greek, and depending on the local make up of your sandwich shops, this could be the source of the word gyro to mean oversized sandwich.

the pronounciation is like gyro-scope. (maybe even the root? the bread is wrapped AROUND the meat/filling?)

In NY, all dinner are owned by greeks (local truism), small motels out side of manhattan are owned by indians, (sorry shank, but i am not sure if they are indian or pakastanies--Indian subcontinent immegrees) gas stations are have a large percentage of turish and central africa ownship. Immigrants fill niches, and when one is successful, many others follow.