I meant (uh oh, language is going to be troublesome here, I can tell) that the content of our thoughts is infinite. Our thoughts can travel to places that are indescribable.

Agreed. I suspect that I merely preferred to refer to it as thereby being unbounded, rather than infinite.

Oh derriere! How to put zis?


1. There are an infinite number of rational numbers between 0 and 1. Yet, they are bounded - by being no less than 0, and no more than 1. Perhaps language is like that - capable of infinite permutations, but bounded as to the range within which they operate.

2. There must be a number which is follows an infinite number of other numbers on the positive whole number scale (1,2,3,4...) This is only one number in itself (not an infinite number of them), but it is obviously an unboundedly large number.

Nah. Zis is not making sense. I give up.


le sunshine warrior