Now that I've had time to really read your posts, dxb: wow! [utterly impressed e] What knowledge you have, and what ability to impart it clearly. Um--so, how did those places come to be called circuses, please? Pickadil...peccadillo...was there a connection in some way?
'Eros' is really Charity? Golly--isn't it something, how if a wrong is repeated oft enough, it can become a right? I also never realized that the Mayor of London and the Lord Mayor of London were two different people/offices, or that London is really two cities. Golly, there's so much that I don't know! It really is a shame that, after the fire, they didn't rebuild according to a logical plan. And yet, it's neat to see, literally, see, the effects from the long-ago history of a place. Wow--in the City, you could imagine that 400 years ago, right under the very pavement you're on, someone was walking their cow to market... Is there much archeology, there?