One good outcome of an interesting typo is it tends to cement the word under discussion into my brain. I'm sure mantling will remain in permanent residence as I imagine that bird hiding a foot in its feet. Reminds me of the little country kids playing with chickens' feet, but I better not go into that bit of country lore, for it would surely disgust some readers here.

I don't mind making typos here so much as reading some horribly constructed sentence I wrote in haste. I figure most of us are typing pretty quickly anyway--looking in on the board at work for a few minutes--trying to get in a few words edgewise--so typos are just part of the game. But to see that I wrote a long sentence and somehow got lost midstream, forgot what the subject was, and ended up with a glaring subject-verb disagreement? Aggggggghhhh! I just groan in pain once sighting the disagreement. Terrible thing to have your subjects and verbs disagreeing with each other on an otherwise friendly language board.

I must confess that mantling maneuver has me a bit confused. I would like to see exactly what mantling is and what it isn't. I keep imagining a bird flying in a hovering manner. Wish I'd seen your program.