Who said anything about assuming all Hispanics are migrant workers? Your assertion is preposterous notion, Faldage, really. Where does it say that, if you speak Spanish, people think you're a migrant worker? Are you saying you believe there are people in the world who think every Spanish speaking person is a migrant worker? That's not even possible. Who could harbor such a ludicrous notion? Maybe you're just trying to stir the pot for debate here, or sumptin', but this is just a ridiculous statement, sorry. And did you ever hear of Dezi Arnaz, Gloria Estefan, Tito Fuentes, Jennifer Lopez, Selma Hayek, Fidel Castro, Gen. Santa Anna, hell, the Kings and Queens of Spain?...do you watch baseball? Any Hispanic players there? Juan Marichal, Roberto Clemente? Gimme a break.