Agreed, TEd. And eta, just another point which struck me about the hypocrisy of the person who "developed" this list of criteria. They evidently have no problem lumping together about 25 diverse nationalities and cultures into the generic Spanish-speaking sterotypical term, Hispanic; and, yet, they have a problem with saying that some Hispanics are migrant workers? The US farming industry could not survive without the migrant workers, so then it's taboo to teach anything about farming here? And , as TEd says, if you deprive the teaching of sociology, and the stratums of class and the conditions the poorer classes labor under, how will these children ever develop compassion for the plight of others? I know from my own experince in a nice neighborhood in a good public school, when I was in grammar school, how insulated within their easy middle-class existence a lot of these young students can be.

And that part about not mentioning men playing sports, or using tools? Not even Jesse Owens' Gold Medal triumph at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, a black man defeating Hitler's "ideal", not even that? That's crazy.