That's so true, Jackie. Try teaching folk songs in an elementary music class sometime. I always know that whatever song I introduce, a little hand will go up and some child will say (at least one child) that the words are wrong. It's fun to hear the variations--and it's such a good point to develop so that the kids will be alerted about differences in lyrics in folk songs, even within a very limited geographical area.

But back to the link I posted. It was interesting to read that Jesus had mentioned the same basic weather forecasting tool. And, according to the link, 7 out of 10 ain't bad for folk weather predictions.

We've had this enormously unusual winter in Virginia, and, those of you who know me, know for a fact that I reported that the oak grove out here on the farm had a covering of acorns this fall so thick that it looked like a huge lid off of a huge can of acorns had been screwed off, the acorns were so tightly packed against each other. Can't complain, however. The deer from the wood have come out to feed so often this winter that they're even beginning to peer through the family room window.