Thanks for the snurl site, on the cryptic coded essay. However, this is really nothing new, way back when I was in school, only those wanting to be a secretary and take dictation used it. It was a status symbol. Although learning the real shorthand was a problem for some, including me, we developed a this form of shorthand omitting vowels and using only the beginning letter of some words. Personally I am glad to see everyone learning this, however, when doing an essay to hand in, it should be in longhand. This type of coded shorthand is really ideal for taking notes on lectures and for reviewing for tests, etc. But I feel the problem comes from students lacking respect for teachers, students lacking some pride in their finished product, and also in some teachers feeling threated by the fact that kids today are a few steps ahead of them.
And then again, perhaps I am wrong---but why can't we all learn from each other and share our wealth of knowledge, for the good of all mankind??

