Well, I have stayed out of this so far, because it was only
this weekend, after all your-all's comments, that I even found out what flat and threaded modes are.

Mine started off coming up in flat mode (I now realize),
with usually 7 or 8 posts per page, and the most recent at
the top. Not knowing for so long that there was any other
way to look at the threads, I am now so used to this that I find threaded mode not worth bothering to figure out how one thing follows another.

But--about the arrows. I've never had any problem with going to the threads I want. (Keep in mind the static state of my flat mode.) The Forward arrow always takes me
to the next thread listed on the index page for that
category--UNLESS I have made a post.

If I make a post in thread number four, that thread
immediately moves to the number one slot on the index
page. So, when I click the Forward arrow after making a post, I am sent to what is now the number TWO thread--
the one that was number one when I began that category--and if I keep clickiing the forward arrow, I am sent through all of the ones I had already seen, before coming to what
used to be my "next thread". Was that clear at all?

Jo--ability to multi-task. I can find lots of useful ways of using the few seconds that it takes to load a whole thread. Cool! I occasionally do some snail mail
(need to do a lot more--there's quite a pile!), but mostly
I play solitaire! But oh, Jo, she wailed: disorientated???

Now, bingley--you can just stop all that blushing! You are utterly wise, utterly witty, and utterly wonderful, and it is obvious that I am not the only one who thinks so!