Well, I think I’m going to take a little break here folks. What made this board unique is that everyone had a voice and even with the variety of people involved we never got rude, or exclusionary. I don’t mind enthusiastic posters. Nor do I mind the one-liners – I appreciate the humour. I loved the conversational aspect of this board and I am troubled by the thought that this will be lost to rigid rules of conduct. I find it troubling to see posts used to scold others (see in Yart? Query?) because they are not following the rules or not writing as we please.

I understand the trouble with keeping up sometimes. I had a really shit day today, and catching up was a bit of a chore, but I wouldn’t have changed the posts in any way. They are a reflection of the people behind the code names. And if I am too tired, I can just skip a few. Putting a bridle on people will not make the board more interesting – just shorter.

(before all frivolity becomes taboo), Thanks tsuwm for that very apropos comment. It seems very pertinent to current situation. I like the serious stuff, but you know what, I also like the frivolity. Anyway, I’m off for a bit – my post was getting long anyway.