Dear suededevil: Behold is an old word, reminiscent of things like the Bible. It would
have a an antique flavor, if you wanted that.
To observe has many meanings see does not. And in the seeing sense, it is done for a
purpose, to learn and be able to report.
See also has several shades of meaning. There are those who have eyes, and see not.
I will see if I can be of help to you.
3served$, 3serv4ing 5ME observen < OFr observer < L observare, to watch, note < ob3 (see OB3) + servare, to keep or hold < IE base *ser3, to watch over, guard > Sans haraiti, (he) guards6
1 to adhere to, follow, keep, or abide by (a law, custom, duty, rule, etc.)
2 to celebrate or keep (a holiday, etc.) according to custom
3 a) to notice or perceive (something) b) to pay special attention to
4 to arrive at as a conclusion after study
5 to say or mention casually; remark
6 to examine and study scientifically
1 to take notice
2 to comment or remark (on or upon)
3 to act as an observer