Dear Dr. Bill: I studied my diet extensively before I entered into working on changing it at that period in my life. I know from where I speak. And your contention that there can be very serious consquences from eating no meat is just a bunch of hooey, as is your statement that "people who eat no meat are insane and feel superior to the Almighty." And many (but not all) medical doctors don't like for people to do things that keep them healthy or are preventative because they don't make money if people don't get sick...we don't practice "health care" in our society, we practice "sick care". Proper nourishment is a complex process and nobody should embark upon a dietary change of any kind blindly. But with the proper knowledge of protein foods (soy, nuts, legumes) and food-combining there is absolutely no danger in not eating meat, in fact your daily protein requirement can be met quite easily.