What does the vegan violinist do about a lot of things? Let's see, if the vegan violinist won't use gut strings, then there are all those wonderful synthetic strings out there--wide range and wide range of debates over which are the best synthetic strings on the market.

And, if this vegan violinist can be satisfied with a fine set of synthetic strings, well, good. But what about belts and shoes? And buttons made from oil derivatives. Oil was once organic matter--plants and animals. Seems buttons made from oil derivatives would be off-limits, too. And if oil derivatives are off-limits, why, this poor vegan. This poor vegan, who won't use gut strings, is going to have to use wooden buttons and spend a lot of time backtracking to make sure something his Aunt Polly gave him doesn't have anything animal in it.

But at least he can soothe his soul--by pulling out his violin with its Obligatto strings and playing a bit. Oh, drat!!! He can't do that!! His bow has Mongolian stallion horsehair!!!! Back to the luthier for fresh synthetic (horrible quality) bow hair.