Sjm, I'm just pointing out that we can't even decide what constitutes the simplest of things nevermind the atom and all those theoretical subparticles.

> be a very quiet, lonely place.

And the small mouth movements of monkey bodies are so heavenly divine? I dunno. There are certain octopi (hey Jazz) that change colour according to what they are feeling. They become their linguistic intent instead of parsing thought through a socially sanctioned dictionary. They can become what they think! I think this is where we - in the digital age -could/should be heading.
English is being spread so thin it is fast becoming a straitjacket holding humanity back. If Whorf was right, and language is fundamentally who we are then we are getting nowhere fast. For as English spreads it must homogenize thought somewhat, bending things to its will - this is kind of the concept of 'memes'. English therefore is a neurosis inducing linguistic disease that will help eradicate language as we know it, setting the imagination free again.
Reset the preset!
