canaille: riffraff; proletarian; the mob; rabble
cancerophobia: fear of cancer
candescent: glowing hotly
cannel: bevel on the edge of a chisel
canonicate: the rank or office of a cannon
cantatrice: female singer
cantle: corner, edge or slice of anything
capeline: surgical bandage for the stump of amputated limb; small iron skullcap
caple: a horse
capriform: goatlike
captious: peevish; ready to take offence or find fault
carboy: large green bottle encased in wicker
cardialgia: heartburn
cardophagus: donkey; something that eats thistles
carinated: shaped like the prow or keel of a ship
caritative: generous; charitable
carneous: fleshy; flesh-coloured; like or relating to flesh
carnificine: place of execution; office of the executioner
carpology: study of fruit
cartomancy: telling fortunes using playing cards
caryatid: column shaped like female figure
casern: barrack or billet for soldiers
cassock: close-fitting ankle-length clergyman's garment