Hi Jackie - and everyone -

It wasn't my intent to cause problems or raise a political discussion here on the board - just to bring something to wider attention, than it might otherwise have received. I found it interesting for two reasons:

1. It provides a bit of an antidote to mainstream reporting. Take it or leave it....

2. It is written by a photojournalist. I found it interesting to read the thousands of words this man used, when he must be so used to using his camera to take pictures worth a thousand words each, instead.

It honestly wasn't my intention to offend anyone. We are all adults here, right? (perhaps especially bonzaialsatian! ) We can read things and not agree with them, without yelling and screaming (as you pointed out, Jackie!).

I try to read things that provide a new point of view, without railing against them if they run against everything I've believed to be true. How else can we learn? But if you read something that makes no sense to you, no one is saying you must believe it. People will choose.

I just hope that anyone who appreciates having had the opportunity to read the above, will consider passing it on to others of their acquaintance (as one person has told me they will - by PM, I suspect to aid in keeping politics off the board).

And if anyone was offended/insulted, then I apologise - that was not my intent. I just hoped to provide a different perspective.