I wish some of those bush fans could have stayed away in droves. how can self respecting country elect a man to be president who can say such things as these:

Well, I wasn't planning on going into politics and maybe I shouldn't because I can't even vote yet, but I feel obligated to defend against these slanders. The simple fact is that Bush is not stupid. He went to Harvard and Yale. He may have decided to extend his youth into his college years and not do well, but he had to get accepted didn't he? And about his mispronunciations: perhaps he has a slight stutter. I know one person in particular who stutters but is very eloquent in writing. I remind you that light is faster than sound.

Tell me, why would Bush, as the governor of Texas, have any reason to know who the prime minister of Pakistan is? He was elected (with 70% of the vote for his second term, might I add) to deal with state affairs, not foreign ones. He had good relations with the president of mexico, which is all that matters for him. Also, Bush would bring Cheney and Colin Powell to the White House, his foreign policy would not be lacking. We elect a group of people rather than one man.

God save Florida from choosing a lying pompous scum-bag who can't even win his own "home" state. Al Gore may not have invented the Internet, but Clinton/Gore had [u]nothing[/u] to do with the economy.

Excuse me for any anger this may have caused, but politics is one of my strong interests. Appropriately, I will be in Washington, DC on a senior class trip for the next three days.