You might miss out on all the good parts

Yes, indeed. I neither implied nor meant a criticism of the medium. My interest is in language.

The points already made are good, I think, and express a creative tension in the world. On the one hand, exposure to the RP of a given medium or society may tend to have a flattening, universalising effect. But on the other it can also cause reflection, in those able to reflect, with benefit to differenciation as well as widened sympathy and understanding.

By the way, my kids use dagnabbit and also consarndit on a regular yet also tongue in cheek basis. They got it from Grandpa in The Simpsons, so I particularly enjoyed learning that this was quoting, in typically knowing style, from the much earlier programme The Hillbillies! This is another aspect of the re-cycling (ARGH!!!!) of language that the medium seems to facilitate.