Requiem sharks – Family Carcharhinidae

Tiger sharks, lemon sharks, bull sharks, the grey reef sharks and the white sharks belong to the family of Carcharhinidae.
Requiem sharks have 5 gill openings. Young are born fully developed. They are sleek active swimmers. Includes several dangerous species.

I couldn’t find anything convincing regarding the reason for their name. The following comments were made in various places:

· Requiem sharks are the most abundant of the sharks, named for their tendency to school near the surface. (Sounds good, but I don’t understand the connection.)
· named from the shrieks of their victims. (Very Gothic!)
· A "requiem" is a hymn or mass for the dead! This could be a symbolic way of telling us that this is a pretty aggressive shark! (Suspect that this is closest, but although some types of requiem shark are dangerous, some are not.)
Here is a link to learn more about requiem sharks: