[There is a slight danger that your viewing machine will go wide
if you view this post.
Unfortunatly this is necessary because what we attempt
here is to write out the largest number
ever written in a single line since the world began.
So be cooperative.]

Can "Infinity" have a plural form? Of course it can.
We can't imagine one infinity so why can't we not imagine two?
So emanuela, the answer to your question is yes.
In an endless series of numbers all combinations
of all numbers will repeat within that series
as well as those that don't.

But what I attempt here is much more modest.
I hope to get in the Guinness Book of World Records by writing
a single number on a single line that will reach
from Birmingham Alabama to the site of the Wordapallosa
on the west coast of Ireland by June, so here I go...

The number that I have chosen is a Perfect Number,
that is, a number that equals exactly the sum total
of all of it's divisors, for example, the first Perfect
Number is 6 (six). 1, 2,and 3 are its divisors and if you add
them, you get 6. The second perfect number is 28, and so
on... But of course my perfect number will be bigger.
Lots bigger. But to make it even bigger I will exibit
my number as the multiplier of "T",
with "T" being the total number of atomic particles in the
universe. So without further ado here is my number
(I have left off comma (,) dividers for expediency
and to save electronic ink.)...

T x 7609323273987546351218765946376229987865673113702470328764332667578544321098765435628712109876890978654324567899900098987653355432346789086765541113426673345999878721212345456676544332232346788909009877654232467890987653432233333443434566677788889987655433234543221114778878898536543324234564123403578778343458807645322664432256554337684320982113456543232679789796785543346579900099876665223444232146788965438653763542668559097333545666677890008675342126645678762343778809900246576980912568980737521029384756102983765231879873456877108432866578398764839299983334261836290923417093245674666666699876534329294567643218765931286541954232768954362112121358964365012465483320987656546742390034214544220099007656643435678865342219823739353414580096421357909765323567653217878694035342612626373848475322678065369009765443411113358760900580005547765264375109890548854541346788909078877743652178895466300999908876655442434325988701234467899006658899094443902973648556718110987652200998876765443245564321356567885545767434927162143148765545270861213141526577665488760900987657887765543232098295872508671567345890078676565...
--> to Ireland -->