I doubt that any of our members are unfamilliar with funnels. But there was an interesting
news item recently about an Australian project to build an enormous upside down funnel
to genererate electric power in me middle of the outback. It would be over two kilometers
in diameter, with a glass paned roof, like a greenhouse, and would produce an immense
volume of air heated by the sun that would rise through a tower in the center, driving
very large turbines to generate electricity. Fun-tastic!

5ME fonel < (prob. via an OFr form) Prov fonilh, enfonilh < L fundibulum, infundibulum, a funnel < infundere, to pour in < in3, IN31 + fundere, to pour: see FOUND36
1 an instrument consisting of an inverted cone with a hole at the small end, or a tapering or cylindrical tube with a wide, cone-shaped mouth, for pouring liquids and powders into containers that have small openings