So, some explanation is needed. The Guardian is a daily newspaper on the left of the political spectrum. It is renowned for it's appalling spelling and is often referred to as the Grauniad. It is a broadsheet rather than a tabloid, although it usually has two tabloid supplements which feed every intellectuals secret desire to look at Kylies bottom. This link gives a brief history of the paper.,3858,4428358,00.html To access the online paper click on this The cryptic crossword is great, Auracaria may just be a genius.
The new black is a fashion term which now describes every thing new in terms of previously fashionable things. So, Britney is the new Tiffany, grey is the new black and so on. Just google say, grey is the new black, it's terrifyingly ubiquitous. There is an occasional column in the Private Eye devoted to this disease. The new black could also be taken to mean what Ana said.
'I can't believe it's not butter' is a margarine with a stupid name.