In regards to something I recently posted, to wit:

"And to the mathematician we have learned ".99999999.... = 0"...with some of us
'getting' it and others.........."

May I please state that I was in no way trying to be offensive here to the 'other' group. The matter of infinity has been very interesting to read here on the board. Sure, it's a 'word' board, but our linguistic management of conveying mathematical understanding among ourselves is interesting to many of us here.

However, a member of the board has indicated to me that I have been out-of-line in how I expressed the above, and I would like to set the record straight, for I meant no offense. When I set up the dichotomy between those who agree with the .99999..... = 1 slant of looking at things that Emanuela first showed us (I'm pretty sure it was Emanuela) and those who disagreed with that slant, I in no way meant that those who disagreed were unenlightened or anything along those lines. All I meant was there were those of us who saw and even agreed with Emanuela and those who continued to disagree for good reasons as I read them. The long set of ellipses...................after my statement was indicating that the argument could go on into infinity.

Anyway, my sincere apologies if you believed I was being rude, out-of-line, insulting or anything along those lines. If anything, I was making a quick bit of humor, but often humor is taken for insult.

Again, my apologies,