Source: The Collins English Dictionary © 1998 HarperCollins Publishers
iris [ars]
n., pl. irises or irides [ardiz, r-].
1. the coloured muscular diaphragm that surrounds and controls the size of the pupil.
2. Also called: fleur-de-lys. any plant of the iridaceous genus Iris, having brightly coloured flowers composed of three petals and three drooping sepals.
See also {flag2}, {orris1}, {stinking iris}
3. Also called: rainbow quartz. a form of quartz that reflects light polychromatically from internal fractures.
4. a rare or poetic word for {rainbow}.
5. something resembling a rainbow; iridescence.
6. short for {iris diaphragm}.
[from Latin: rainbow, iris (flower), crystal, from Greek]

flag 2 [flæg]
1. any of various plants that have long swordlike leaves, esp the iris Iris pseudacorus (yellow flag).
2. the leaf of any such plant.
See also {sweet flag}.
[probably of Scandinavian origin; compare Dutch flag, Danish flæg yellow iris]