this is the word that has been used in football all my life. Who won?

Hiya Jackie! OK, here the commentators (for football of almost any flavour) would say something like "That was a great intercept" or "He took a brilliant intercept". A cross-pondism perhaps? Best wait until some more other-pondians turn up and see what the general consensus is.

[off-word-topic-sport-update] The Tampa Bay Buccaneers won. Of course, they were who I was cheering for (my only allegiance being the fact that my partner was supporting them - based on the underdog theory - and I thought best not to upset the apple cart) . Pretty much a walkover. Impressive coverage - we took great pains to notice that Shania Twain can't lip sync to save her life, or at least, not while she's shaking hands with a fan! [/off-word-topic-sport-update]