You put it in better words than I could ever have done, thanks Jackie!
Though, when posting this thread, my main intention had been to get name suggestions for my webpage (which I did get a lot of), I was also aware that many peolple have many varying opinions on this issue, and given the wide range of proffesions, backgrounds and experiences of the members of this board, I was also interested to hear about the ideas of others as I am aware that, however strongly I feel about an issue, my ideas are not absolute and so should always be open to debate, critisism and advice.
I know what it is like to feel strongly about, and fight for an issue, yet the whole time I have to think about am I doing the right thing? Am I going too far? Just because it may be frustrating that people don't agree with you doesn't mean that they are not as justified as you in stating thier opinions - if we can't listen to everybody's ideas and make compromises, nothing can ever be changed.

P.S: I am a 'her'.