Faldage's picture caption.
Apropos of nothing at all, dictionary definitionn of "caption" surprised me. I was going to joke
about a "caption" being at bottom, but definition so defines it. But look a #1 and #2 defintions!
5ME capcioun < OFr capcion < L captio < pp. of capere, take: see HAVE6
1 [Archaic] seizure
2 Law a) a part of a legal instrument, such as an indictment, showing where, when, and by what authority it was executed b) a heading showing the names of the parties, court, and docket number in a pleading or deposition
>3 a) a heading or title, as of an article b) a descriptive title, or legend, as under an illustration
4 Film, TV a subtitle
to supply a caption for