__________THE EMERALD WORDAPALOOZA__________

At first
I was land.
I lay on my back to the fields
and when I turned
on my side
I was a hill
under freezing stars.
I did not see.
I was seen.
Night and day
words fell on me.
Seeds. Raindrops.
Chips of frost.
From one of them
I learned my name.
I rose up. I remembered it.
Now I could tell my story.
It was different
from the story told about me.
And now also
it was spring.
I could see the wound I had left
in the land by leaving it.
I traveled west.
Once there
I looked with so much love
at every field
as it unfolded
its rusted wheel and its pram chassis
and at the gorse-
bright distances
I had been
that they had misunderstood me.
Come back to us
they said
Trust me I whispered.

-Eavan Bowland

_________________See yall in June. _________________