Why do we need a name for everyone? I thinks it's a way of shutting people out.

Ah, but I don't think that anyone is seriously suggesting that all who post here be called ayleurs, or anything else. I use ayleur for two main reasons. The first, and this is most important since it governs my choivce of language more than any other factor, is that I like the sound of it. It is aesthetically pleasing to me, and since I tend to speak what I type, I get to say a "pretty" word. The second reason is that using it demonstrates the truth of the phrase behind the acronym - you can indeed call us Anything You Like Except Unanimous. Think of all the fascinating highways and byways we have travelled during the course of the "who are we" discussion. The fact that some wordsters feel so strongly opposed to ayleur is great, because strongly held opinions, stated by such articulate, intelligent people, can but generate new threads. To paraphrase Tolkien:

"The Thread goes ever on and on
Down from the board where it began.
Now far ahead the thread has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it on ayleur's feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many words and ideas meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.