I have to agree with Jackie.
I am a member of several museums, and libraries, and I go to theater
I am not a museumer, or a librarian, or any other group. I am me!

Why do we need a name for everyone? I thinks it's a way of shutting people out.

Okay all of you out there with reference books handy (I am at work, and supposed to be working, and its bad enough I am do this without going off and searching the web, getting distracted...) Please provide the author and corrections if needed--I learned this in grade school-- back in mumble mumble....

Heretic, rebel, lout
He drew a circle that shut us out.
But Love and I had the wit to win,
We drew a circle that brought him in!

I felt welcome when I first posted on this board, I don't want it to be filled with all sorts of jargon to make it hard for others to feel welcome. (I am not even sure I like Stranger/newbie/etc...) and can't get caught up in the idea of graduating. though I will admit of all of them I like stranger best..(stranger than what?)
our on screen names, pun and obscure reference are more than enough to distinguish us.