This old discussion seems worthy of bringing up again. When I first was informed about the ayleurs being what AWADers called themselves (except those who balked at the term), I wondered what it meant.

I thought, "It must have something to do with wings--flights of fancy here--soaring with words..." And then someone else told me what it really meant.

Tonight I came across the old thread, read the discussion, and then tried to track down what it was in my memory that caused me to think of flight. Here's what I found in a OneLook reference:

noun [C]
a movable part along the back edge of an aircraft's wing, used esp. to help the aircraft turn or to keep it level*1+0


1. aileron -- (an airfoil that controls lateral motion)

wing -- (one of the horizontal airfoils on either side of the fuselage of an airplane)

And then MW, which shows the etymology from the Fr. for "wing" (and that's what had been embedded in my memory by suggestion...):

Main Entry: ai·le·ron
Pronunciation: 'A-l&-"rän
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from diminutive of aile wing -- more at AISLE
Date: 1909
: a movable airfoil at the trailing edge of an airplane wing that is used for imparting a rolling motion especially in banking for turns -- see AIRPLANE illustration

So, all things considered and old arguments read, I still like my initial reaction to the word that it made me think of flight.

The reading's fun on this old thread, so I hope new people, like myself, will enjoy reading what the Aged Ones wrote.

Best regards,